White clay is a boundless medium that I love creating functional, three-dimensional canvases to paint and print on. I use both commercial and homemade under glazes for my palate (all of which are sealed with a clear, food-safe, durable glaze that is fired to cone 6 (2232 degrees Fahrenheit) in an oxidation atmosphere(electric kiln). All of my reproducible images are created from original, hand-carved stamps and screen prints. I am always making new stamps and personalizing special orders. So stay tuned for new creations.
Nature Inspired Flora and Fauna Prints
These are just a few of my nature inspired flora and fauna prints. To date my arsenal of flora and fauna images includes: a silver maple leaf, mountain maple leaf, maple seed pod, oak leaf, oak acorn, oak tree with leaves, Mountain hemlock tree, hemlock branch with cones, blue spruce branch with berries, galax leaves (sm., med. & lg. individual leaves), black walnut leaves, holly branch with berries, southern maidenhair fern, flowering dogwood, blooming lady slipper, rhododendron in bloom, and a parasol mushroom.
For the Birds
I am greatly inspired by birds. Birds are in abundance around my home and on our daily hikes through the wooded Blue Ridge Mountains of Brevard, NC. My bird images to date are: a large and small warbler, warbler perched on branch, warbler on bark, Carolina chickadee in flight, Carolina chickadee on branch, great horned owl perched on branch, white breasted nuthatch on bark, robin, crow, set of three spotted eggs, ruffled feather, warbler nest in branches, song bird nest in branches and a shimmering broad tail hummingbird.